A little Behind…

Ok wow. It’s been a while again since I’ve been on here and written an update. Unfortunately the month of September was a nightmare for me at work. The governments fiscal year end is September 30, so I’ve been putting in massive amounts of overtime to make sure everything was good for the year. What this means for my goals – I didn’t get very much done and probably actually backslid drastically. So looking at the countdown today 31 months – 11 days left until Spenser graduates.

1) Reading 33 Books – I knew this goal would be the hardest because I don’t really like reading books, but I’m honestly two chapters away from finishing “The Best Yes”.

2) I stopped doing DuoLingo when I got really busy at work. Hoping to sign up for a real class in downtown Philly when they offer their next set of ten classes. I think 2 hours a week is doable and not to burdening to my schedule, so going to try 🙂

3) My exercise regimen is abysmal. Seriously I’ve started and stopped the C25k app numerous times. I finding out that I have exceptionally high arches and a painful ingrown toenail that makes running truly painful for me. I made an appointment with a podiatrist who I’m hoping will fix me up and motivate me to get back to it.

4) I’m officially going to Barcelona May 11th. I bought my plane tickets for $371 – with a cash back card that gave me $200 off. So $171. I am beyond excited and am looking for any travel tips, suggestions and advice. I am still waiting on my passport (which I sent in) for my name change but presume it will be here prior to May. The problem with scheduling one trip is that you get travel fever and want to start planning a lot more. Going to need someone else’s bank account.

5) I’m officially signed up to get the Becker CPA review course in November. I will take my first section review in December and hopefully sit and pass the first section of the exam in January. So progress commences November on this. I’m very excited and currently looking for a good reliable tablet to run the review on. With my current schedule I should be done in less than a year. Wish me luck or pray for me if that’s your thing. Going to need all the strength, confidence and skill I can muster.

We’ve officially owned our house one year!Im not even sure how that’s possible. It’s like adulting took hold of us and has NO PLANS to let go. Oh well, after painting, redoing the kitchen and multiple hours of yard work the place is ours. We still can’t wait to sell and move back to the Northwest, but everything in time.

Spenser is absolutely loving clinicals and he’s doing super amazing with school too. He just finished his first test and got the second highest score in class. He’s finally in the zone and just plugging away. Next week will be a big week of tests for him, but honestly he hasn’t shown any signs of massive stress lately, however I’ve been knee deep in my own work and computer, so don’t quote me. I will have him do an update blog post after the tests!!!

I’m still at the arboretum, a weekend day here and there. It’s just enough to finance my European travels. It’s fun and unlike me, I’ve been sticking with it. I’m normally a massive quitter of second jobs, but this one seems to fit my needs and feed my outdoorsy spirit. Atlas and kitty are doing great. Just enjoying life when and us when we have the time. It’s been a month since we needed a dog walker so I think they both enjoy always having someone home with them. I took Atlas to the beach now that it’s October and the dogs can run wild. As always he absolutely loved it. We have a very ornery squirrel who is digging in our plants and knocks our watering can over to drink.I think that’s all for the time being. Just trying to get through living in what still feels like a foreign city.

One thought on “A little Behind…

  1. You’re back! You sound great and happy to hear that Spenser is doing well too. We went to Barcelona last year. Can offer some tips if you’d like. Best place ever! We liked it better than Italy, but not to say Italy wasn’t great. Just fell in love with Barcelona.


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